In less than two weeks, new Perot biography attracts fans across the USA
There’s a big hunger for the Ross Perot story.
That’s the only way to explain why online orders for the new biography — SEARCHING FOR PEROT - My Journey to Discover Texas’ Top Family by Dave Lieber — are surging. Perot fans across the U.S. are purchasing autographed copies of the first edition.
Orders are coming in from California, Florida, Arizona, Virginia and a dozen other states.
“I’ve never experienced anything like this phenomenon,” says author Dave Lieber, whose Perot book is his 9th book. “Most of the buyers are former employees of Perot’s legendary company, Electronic Data Systems. They love the man.”
He adds, “They ask for personalized autographs with messages like “To a 25-year employee who is proud to be one of Ross’ eagles." Some of the buyers are actually named in the book. I hope they enjoy the stories I told about them.”
Perot book orders from a single day await a daily trip to the post office.
Get the book at And while you’re there, take the Perot Quiz. See how well you score.