Welcome to the Perot Project
A book and play about one of the most remarkable Texans who ever lived.
Now that the new play about Ross Perot Sr. — PEROT! American Patriot — enjoyed its world debut in February 2022, attention turns to the popular companion book, the first Perot biography in 25 years.
How well do you know the life of Ross Perot Sr.?
NEW! In Dallas, like old times, it’s all Perot Perot Perot. And that’s a good thing.
As a Perot biographer I want to bring you up to date on all things Perot in Dallas.
If this doesn’t qualify them as Texas’ top family, I don’t know what would. Read this story here.
Ross Perot Sr. could only have been made in America.
Born during the Great Depression into a happy, peaceful East Texas life, he became one of America’s most beloved billionaires.
Whether it was creating the computer services industry, battling General Motors to build better cars, helping veterans or running (twice) for president of the United States, Perot was all in.
He woke up every day excited about who he could help and problems he could solve.
Yet the Perot story is also a grand saga of love passed down from generation to generation. And along with that love came strong business values that built the Perot family ethos: Always pursue world-class excellence.
Award-winning author, journalist and playwright Dave Lieber, The Watchdog columnist at The Dallas Morning News, masterfully captures this story of generational love, devotion and brilliance.
Dave began learning about the Perots almost 30 years ago when, as a newspaper columnist, he had a front-row seat to the Perot family’s highly successful AllianceTexas development in Fort Worth, Texas.
His new book – Searching for Perot: My Journey to Discover Texas’ Top Family – is an inspiring tribute to the man and his family. The book introduces the legendary Texan to a new generation of Americans – and with it Perot’s message of patriotism, innovation and community service.
This is the first Perot biography in 25 years.
Still not sure? Read the great early book reviews here
More Ross Perot Book/Play FUN...
WATCH: The author talk about Perot at the church that hosted the legend’s funeral.
The companion play (also by Dave Lieber) — PEROT! American Patriot — made its World Debut on Feb. 11, 2022 in a Theatre Coppell production at the new Coppell Arts Center. Nine soldout shows. This was the official poster.
The set for the play mimicked Ross Perot’s fascinating Dallas office. Actor Carl Merritt (standing) played Perot wonderfully. He was accompanied by the talented Mary Hyndman at left.
In a public note to a friend, I give my playwright's report on my new play PEROT! American Patriot
“People keep asking me if I play Ross Perot in my new play,” Dave Lieber says.
“I tell them, ‘no, I’m the playwright, not the actor.’”
So who played Perot in the new play PEROT! American Patriot that opened Feb. 11, 2022 for nine shows at the Coppell Arts Center?
Well, here is how we did the big reveal before the play opened. Meet actor/comedian Carl Merritt.
Watch the real Ross Perot in an actual 1992 campaign commercial morph into our play’s star.
For the first time anywhere …